Indonesian legal tech startup Legalku raises seed funding from UMG Idealab

As a legal tech startup, Legalku provides two kinds of services: On-demand legal consultation service and a SaaS platform

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As a legal tech startup, Legalku provides two kinds of services: On-demand legal consultation service and a SaaS platform

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UMG Idealab, the corporate venture capital (CVC) arm of UMG Group Myanmar, today announced its investment in Indonesian legal tech startup Legalku. The amount of the seed investment is undisclosed.

Founded in December 2017, Legalku runs two business lines: An on-demand legal consultation service for medium- and small-enterprises (MSMEs) and a SaaS platform for legal practitioners.

The company’s SaaS platform enables law office, notary office, and corporate legal team to manage their operations with project management, document management, and e-invoicing features.

In a press statement, Legalku CEO and founder Muhamad Philosophi said that the investment marks “a great trust” given to the company to “provide better technology and services to its clients.”

Currently available in four cities in Indonesia, with the new funding, Legalku plans to expand to 10 more cities in the country before eventually expanding to other countries in Southeast Asia.

“We ensure that our presence can help MSMEs advance by assisting legal consultation through technology. This will directly increase the potential of business development such as business automation in franchising, import-export partnerships and even joint partnerships with other strategic businesses,” Philosophi said.

The startup claimed to have worked with 2,500 clients.

UMG Idealab itself has invested in 11 tech startups in Indonesia.

The company is a CVC arm of UMG Myanmar, a producer and distributor of agricultural heavy equipment. Currently run by a team of 5,000 employees, the company is one of the biggest companies operating in the country.


Image Credit: Giammarco Boscaro on Unsplash


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Pelaporan Praktis


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Sertifikat Standard

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Buat Kesepakatan

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Berdasarlan PP No. 43 Tahun 2011 tentang Tata Cara Pengajuan dan Pemakaian Nama Perseroan Terbatas minimal 3 kata dan dilarang menggunakan bahasa asing. Untuk PT Perorangan juga berlaku ketentuan yang sama.

Format Penulisan: HURUF BESAR.