Personal Data Relationship and Material Rights

Personal Data is personal information that is attached to a person that is stored, maintained, and maintained for the truth and its confidentiality is protected. Personal Data can include name, identification number, personal contact such as no


Hello My Legal, I have a question. Can personal data be subject to material rights or is it considered an object that can be traded, guaranteed, and so on? What if the personal data of a person or group of people is transferred / transferred between interested parties? Thank you very much. (Argha, Banten)

Answer: You’re welcome for the interesting question, Mr. Argha. Before answering the main question, we will first discuss what Personal Data is and what material rights are. Personal Data is personal information that is attached to a person that is stored, maintained, and maintained for the truth and its confidentiality is protected. Personal Data can include name, identity number, personal contact such as telephone number, residential address, place of birth date, beliefs, health data, biometrics, genetics, personal financial data, etc. relating to a person. This data is considered a very valuable asset and is protected by its confidentiality. Personal Data should ideally be inputted by the Data Owner or based on the Data Owner ‘s consent to the electronic system to use a service or product provided by an electronic system operator. Then managed by the electronic system organizer. Conditions for storing and managing personal data are usually set out in a standard agreement in the form of “Terms and Conditions” and “Privacy Policy” of the platform used. This is also due to the nature of Personal Data which is part of Human Rights (HAM), so that protection must be upheld, for example with the following rights:

  1. Right to privacy: each person has the right to guarantee what information others can access and to control the rate, manner and timing of use of the information he chooses to disclose.
  2. Right to be forgotten: everyone has the right to be removed from searching the Internet and other directories under certain circumstances. A person may request removal of information, videos, or photos about themselves from certain Internet records so that they cannot be found on search engines .

In practice, between providers and between providers and other parties, exchanges, transfers, and sales of consumer Personal Data can be carried out. Normatively and in line with laws and regulations, this is usually stated in the “Terms and Conditions” and “Privacy Policy” of the electronic system regarding what the Operator can do with consumer Personal Data.
Seeing this, Personal Data is often considered as an asset, which is categorized as an object under the Civil Law, and is even considered a very expensive asset considering that special protection is also needed to manage it. If it is said to be an asset / object, personal data can be subject to material rights, namely property rights. Apart from property rights, we are not sure that Personal Data can be subject to other material rights. For example, such as the right to power ( bezit ), in conventional objects, the position of power is the position of someone who controls an object either directly, through the intermediary of other people, and maintains / enjoys it as the person who owns the material. Personal Data cannot be freely controlled or enjoyed by the competent party (in this case, the Electronic System Operator). Due to its confidentiality, we consider Personal Data not to be used as a guarantee. Thus, personal data is a part of human rights which also has material characteristics as assets that have high value. The transfer of Personal Data, if it has been agreed by the Data owner through a standard agreement, is also not considered a violation of the law as long as it is carried out responsibly and specifically for the data being managed.

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